STA Intermediate Singles & Doubles V 2024
30 Nov - 08 Dec 2024
Official Sponsor  
Official Time of Matches Please refer to the attached schedule
Venue KALLANG TENNIS CENTRE or any other venue as decided by STA.
Category Title Prizes
MEN’S SINGLES Champion S$ 200.00 + Trophy
Runner-Up S$ 100.00 + Trophy
Semi-Finalists S$  50.00 + Trophy
Quarter-Finalists S$  25.00
LADIES’ SINGLES Champion S$ 200.00 + Trophy
Runner-Up S$  100.00 + Trophy
Semi-Finalists S$  50.00 + Trophy
MEN’S DOUBLES Champions, Runners-Up & Semi-Finalists Trophy Only
LADIES’ DOUBLES Champions, Runners-Up & Semi-Finalists Trophy Only

Please refer to Rule 29: All Prize Winners must be present at the Prize Presentation Ceremony, which will be held immediately after the Finals’ matches. For those who are not present, their trophies and prizes will be forfeited immediately unless collected by a proxy who is NOT a prize winner. Proxy must be authorized in writing and to collect the prize during prize presentation when the name is announced.

Tournament Referee Mr Stanley Cheong
Entry Fee [Including GST & Convenience Fee] Singles $63.22   |  Doubles $57.77 per pair
Entry & Withdrawal Deadline Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Official Ball Teloon Pro+ Pound
Tournament Draw STA requests that players / official witness the draw. Those who are interested please email to by the Wednesday after entry deadline.
Draws will be published online 5 days before the tournament starts.
Seeding Criteria SINGLES
The rankings from the latest respective STA Singles Rankings after the closing dates of the tournaments will be used. Priority in seeding is given to the highest ranked player in the tournament (seeded 1), followed by the second highest ranked player in the tournament (seeded 2) and so on. If there is a tie on the players’ rankings, the seeding will be awarded based on luck of draw.

The rankings from the latest respective STA Doubles Rankings after the closing dates of the tournaments will be used. Priorities are given as follows:

1st Tier – Ranked player and ranked player (Combined STA Doubles Ranking)
Priority in seeding is given to to the highest combined ranked players in the tournament (seeded 1), followed by the second highest combined ranked players in the tournament (seeded 2) and so on. If there is a tie on the combined rankings, the seeding will be awarded based on luck of draw.

2nd Tier – Ranked player and unranked player (STA Doubles Ranking)
After the 1st Tier, priority in seeding is given to to the highest ranked players in the tournament who are paired with unranked players, followed by the second highest ranked players in the tournament who are paired with unranked players and so on. If there is a tie on the rankings of the ranked player, the seeding will be awarded based on luck of draw.

3rd Tier – Unranked player and unranked player
If Tier 1 and Tier 2 do not fill up the slots that require seeding, seeding for doubles pairs from the 3rd Tier will be awarded based on luck of draw.



INTERMEDIATE LEVEL -- As a guide, equivalent to ITN 9 - ITN 6 based on the International Tennis Number (ITN) or ‘C’ Grade of STA Inter-Club tournaments.






Previous Champions of STA Intermediate, Advanced or Open tournaments 52 weeks from the conclusion of the tournament won.

Ranked top 16 in the current STA Open Ranking 
Ranked top 8 in the current STA Advanced Ranking

Previous Semi-Finalist of STA Open and within 52 weeks from the conclusion of the tournament 
Previous Finalist of STA Advanced and within 52 weeks from the conclusion of the tournament

16 and under are exempted from the rules above. They are given special exemption to play any competition.


Rules & Regulations
Last updated on 13 November 2017
  1. The ITF tournament rules will be applied in conjunction with this tournament’s rules. The Committee reserves the right to change the rules in any way it deems fit and rejects any entry without assigning a reason.
  2. No players should play two tournaments in one week.
  3. The STA Tournament Supervisor / Referee shall act as final on-site authority for the interpretation of the applicable STA Tournament Rules & Regulations, ITF Code of Conduct and Rules of Tennis as to all matters arising that require immediate resolution at the tournament venue.
  4. Ranking points are awarded for this tournament. Accumulated points will determine the year’s Intermediate ranking. Please use a consistent name & NRIC / Passport No. for all STA tournaments to accumulate maximum points. Seeding is based on ranking points.
  5. Generation of Ranking Points will be done on the following Friday after the end of competition.
  6. The match and draw schedule will NOT be mailed. It will be uploaded on our STA website:  It is the players’ responsibility to check their schedule of play 1 day before the tournament and turn up accordingly, otherwise they will be defaulted according to Rule No. 19. The referee reserves the right to make changes to the schedule. Change of schedule will not be made at the request of players. The Tournament Referee shall communicate with players only, not with coaches or parents.
  7. Players who have played in any unsanctioned tournament will not be allowed to play in this tournament.
  8. All events shall be played on a knockout system.
  9. All Singles matches will be played to the best of 3 tie-break sets. At 6 games all, a tie-break will be played. The tie-break will be based on first to reach 7 points winning by a margin of 2 points. In each Doubles match when the score is one set all, one match tie-break (10 Points) shall be played to decide the match. The format of play may be changed at the referee’s discretion.
  10. The *No-Ad Scoring System will be implemented in this tournament.

    *No-Ad Scoring SystemIf both players have won 3 points, the score is called deuce; one deciding point shall then be played whereby the receiver shall choose whether to receive the service from the right half of the court or the left half of the court. The player who wins the deciding point wins the game.
  11. In the event of inclement weather, participants must be prepared to play 3 matches a day/night with a minimum rest period of 30 minutes in between matches.
  12. Umpires may be provided for the Finals’ matches. All other matches will be played without a Chair Umpire. Players must keep their own score. If a player feels that the opponent’s line calls are inaccurate, the player should inform the referee IMMEDIATELY. Dispute of any nature regarding a match should be brought to the referee’s attention immediately. Protests will not be entertained after a match is completed.
  13. The condition of the courts and lightings are provided by the Singapore Sports Council. As such, players must play in any court assigned by the referee. Requests by players for additional lightings or specific court will not be accommodated.
  14. Warm-up:  Strictly 5 minutes only.
  15. Match courts are STRICTLY for PLAYERS ONLY. Warm-up courts will not be provided.
  16. For doubles entry, if one player is unable to play for any reason, the pair will have to concede a walkover as substitute partner is not allowed after the entry deadline.
  17. Administrative Error
    i)   In the event any player is left out of a tournament, the lowest ranked player with a ‘bye’ will have his/her ‘bye’ replaced with the left-out player. If the player who was left out would have been seeded, the error in seeding may be corrected by switching the positions of the affected players. The seeding positions will remain.
    ii)  If a player is defaulted for not showing up for a match because of an administrative error, the Referee can reinstate the match and players must play the reinstated match as scheduled by the Referee.
  18. As part of an educational programme for players, the referee shall advise players to comply with the ITF Dress Code which disallows casual round neck T-shirts (i.e. T-shirts with logos measuring more than 4 square inches [26 square centimetres]), bermudas, jogging shorts and jogging shoes. Shoes with marking soles are also not allowed. Players who do not comply will not be allowed on court to play.
  19. Players must sign in at the tournament desk at their scheduled time. Players will be defaulted if they are not ready to play 15 minutes within their scheduled time, only if a court is available and weather permits. No appeal will be accepted.
  20. In the event of rain, the referee shall make an announcement informing all players to dry their courts when the rain stops. Should any player fail to report 15 minutes after the announcement is made, the player will be defaulted (i.e. concedes a walk-over). No appeal will be accepted.
  21. Competitors play at their own risk. The STA and Singapore Sports Council are not responsible for any injury, loss or other mishaps during the tournament.
  22. Official Ball: Teloon Pro+ Pound
  23. NO on-site alternate sign-in will be accepted.
  24. Entry fees will only be refunded if withdrawals are made in player's profile page before the entry deadline. For tournaments starting from 1st January 2023 onwards, players who withdraw from the tournament will incur an admin fee of $2.00 (inclusive of GST) and convenience fee of $3.24 (inclusive of GST).
  25. Medical Time-Out: No qualified medical personnel will be available. The referee shall allow the player to be treated by any person selected by him/her. Injury time-out is 3 minutes only.
  26. Players may rate themselves as to whether they belong to the category with the help of the International Tennis Number (ITN) [attached]. However, the Referee reserves the right to the final say. A player who under-rates himself/herself deliberately or otherwise, can be defaulted at any stage of the tournament by the referee.
  27. Social Media Policy
    1. This Policy applies to inappropriate conduct and behaviour towards any person including STA staff, players officials or members of STA through social media platforms.
    2. When using social media, individuals must not:
      • Make posts that are abusive or harass or threaten any other person including STA staff, players, officials or members of STA.
      • Abuse or expose others to content that is offensive, inappropriate, obscene, insulting, provocative or hateful including in relation to STA staff, players, officials or members of STA.
    3. Consequences of a breach of this policy or suspected breach of this policy:
      • Make a necessary public comment such as correction, clarification; contradiction or apology in regards to the breach.
      • Issue a formal warning to the individual responsible for the breach.
      • Report any breach of any law to local authority or wronged party.
      • Take any disciplinary action that begins from imposing a one (1) year playing ban on the individual.
    4. STA may also request those who are bound by the policy to remove post from their personal social media pages.
    5. Individuals who communicate their opinions and any other materials on social media do so at their own risk. And individual may be held personally liable for any commentary and/or material which may be defamatory, obscene or proprietary.
  28. Any player who violates the Rules and Regulations above shall be defaulted immediately, immaterial of which rounds he/she has reached.
  29. All Prize Winners must be present at the Prize Presentation Ceremony, which will be held immediately after the Finals’ matches. For those who are not present, their trophies and prizes will be forfeited immediately unless collected by a proxy who is NOT a prize winner. Proxy must be authorized in writing and collect the prize during prize presentation when the name is announced.




 S$ 200.00 + Trophy


 S$ 100.00 + Trophy


 S$  50.00 + Trophy


 S$  25.00



 S$ 200.00 + Trophy


 S$  100.00 + Trophy


 S$  50.00 + Trophy


 Champions, Runners-Up & Semi-Finalists

 Trophy Only


 Champions, Runners-Up & Semi-Finalists

 Trophy Only





Additional Information

1) Updates will be given as and when possible through the Whatsapp Chatgroup
2) Please do not msg the Technical Officiating Team directly

3) When advised, pls check the STA website for updates
4) If there are no updates, pls follow your scheduled match
5) Players are advised to report 15 minutes before their match schedule at the venue.
6) we would like to bring to your attenion the extreme weather rule as stated in the ITF rules:

Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play
Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play criterion is defined as when the Web-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) on court meets or exceeds 30.1°C (86.2°F).

Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play
Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is defined as when the WBGT on court meets or exceeds 32.2°C (90.0°F).

Thanks and have a great day ahead.


The Refereeing Team


Revised fees effective January 2024 are as follows:

* Players who withdraw from the tournament will incur an admin fee of
$2.00 (inclusive of GST) and convenience fee of $3.27 (inclusive of GST)
per category.


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